The saying “the only thing certain is change” has perhaps never been truer than it is now. Everything seems to be up in the air these days. School plans, work plans, social activities, sporting events – the list of uncertainty can go on and on. Times of such uncertainty can, and often times will, lead to anxiety, even in individuals who have never experienced anxiety in the past.
Health and safety are the top priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic, but we all have more on our minds than just surviving the pandemic. There are new concerns and responsibilities out of our control that feel like they compound daily.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the unstable societal landscape right now, here are some tips that can help you manage stress:
- Control only what you can control: It’s human nature to want to be in control of our surroundings and circumstances. However, this includes attempting to control things that we simply do not have the ability to control, leaving us stressed, worried and hopeless. Check out a few of these mindfulness techniques to help you be intentional about focusing on the things within your sphere of influence.
- Focus on today. This tip is much easier said than done, but when put into practice it can alleviate a great deal of anxiety. None of us knows what the next day will bring, especially in regards to an invisible virus. Worrying will not change the outcome of tomorrow, so why put that toll on your body if you can avoid it? Do your best to take care of today and the rest will follow.
- Slow down. You need a break to focus on yourself and truly assess how you are doing. Remember that self-care is not selfish. Slowing down will allow you to take inventory of the good things that surround your life, even if you have to think long on what “good” things you have going in your life, the fact that you are able to read this means you are breathing, and that is something to be thankful for. Don’t be afraid to disconnect for a period of time or follow one of these other tips to slow down and enjoy life.
- Talk to someone: Talking to someone – whether a professional counselor or not – will help. If you need help, open up to someone you can trust. Often times, just having someone to listen to what you are going through is therapy in and of itself, without the other person having to say a word. If you are curious about how Havenwood can help, take a look at our Adult Psychiatric Services here.
These are difficult times we are living in, so try out these tips as we continue to focus on becoming our best selves despite this pandemic. If you or a loved one is suffering from a mental health disorder, contact a treatment facility for help. To learn more about the breadth of services offered at Havenwood Behavioral Health, visit havenwoodbehavioral.com/or call us at (864) 660-6217. With proper treatment and support, you can overcome mental illness.