
Coping with Loss during the Holidays

The holidays can be a time of joy and happiness but for many it can also be a time of grief. Even though we are surrounded by happy music, bright lights and other people having fun, deep down many people are fighting an internal battle. Whatever age or point in your life you may be

Havenwood Behavioral Health – Mental Health Care For Veterans

Nationally, about 1 in 5 adults (44 million people) experience mental illness in a given year, including more than 7.7 million veterans with PTSD. South Carolina is ranked among the states with the highest prevalence of mental illness and worst access to care. Watch this short video from Your Carolina with Mary Ann Bennett from Havenwood Behavioral

Steps to Help You Talk to Loved Ones Struggling with Depression

The leading cause of disability affecting people aged 15 to 44 in the United States is depression. Major Depressive Disorder is the most common form of depression diagnosed in the United States. According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), over 16 million adults had at least one major depressive episode in 2014, the

Sleep and Mental Illness

Sleep and mental illness are closely related. About 40 percent of patients who are seeking help for sleep disorders also struggle from some type of mental disorder, according to a study by the National Institute of Mental Health. In fact, of all patients dealing with psychiatric issues, only 20 percent have no type of sleep

WSPA’s Your Carolina features Havenwood Behavioral Health

Nationally, about 1 in 5 adults (44 million) people experience mental illness in a given year, including more than 7.7 million veterans with PTSD. South Carolina is ranked among the states with the highest prevalence of mental illness and worst access to care. WSPA’s Your Carolina featured Havenwood’s CEO Mike Rowley and  COO Mary Ann Bennett,

The Link Between Diet and Mental Health

Most people are familiar with the saying “You are what you eat,” meaning the foods you put into your body make up the energy and nutrients that determine how your body will function. When it comes to mental health, studies show that the nutrients you give your brain are just as important.   Diet is

Year-long Mental Health Awareness

One in five people will be affected by mental illness in their lifetime. As Mental Health Month comes to a close, it is a critical time to spread awareness about this alarming statistic and remember that we must continue the conversation year-round to help those affected by mental illness. Understanding the warning signs is a

The College Student Mental Health Crisis

American college students are facing a mental health crisis.   The suicide rate among young adults ages 15–24 has tripled from the 1950s and is the second leading cause of death among college students, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Leading Causes of Death Report, published in 2016, the most recent

Veterans and Mental Illness

Each day, 22 veterans die by suicide. After returning from war, veterans often feel a loss of self-worth, facing issues with employment, readjustment, and disability. Naturally, veterans are at an increased risk for depression and other mental illnesses as a result of the events suffered while at war.   The National Alliance on Mental Health

Seeking Therapy to Combat PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychiatric disorder that develops after a particularly traumatic event that can cause the person to feel numb months afterwards, such as war. Disturbing thoughts and images replay in their brain after the event, sometimes even for years. Symptoms can show as early as a month after or develop years later.