Behavioral and Mental Health Center in South Carolina
We can help you right now.
Contact Havenwood Behavioral Health today. Call (864) 660-6217, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls & referrals are completely confidential (Please refer to our Privacy Practices).
Call (864) 660-6217 today to schedule an appointment.
VISIT US: 1 Havenwood Lane Suite A • Travelers Rest, SC 29690
For referrals to our behavioral and mental health center
Havenwood is a behavioral and mental health center in South Carolina that serves patients seeking mental health treatment for severe depression, drug addiction treatment, and acute geriatric care. In addition to referrals from our home state, most of our referrals come to us from hospitals and doctors’ offices in SC and the surrounding southeast.
Contact us at (864) 660-6217 if you need to make a referral to our adult behavioral health program, our adult psychiatric program, our alcohol and drug addiction treatment program for adults, or our geriatric program. Our reception lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that we can accept emergency referrals immediately.
For families seeking mental health treatment for a loved one
We understand that deciding where to seek help is never easy when you are dealing with a loved one who needs immediate care for a severe behavioral or mental health issue. Our experienced staff believes that they can provide the best care, and get the best results when the patient’s family is actively involved in the healing process and confident in the program. We welcome you to come to take a tour of our center so that you can see our facilities and get personal, behind-the-scenes knowledge of our operations. Call us today at (864) 660-6217 to schedule an appointment.
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ADMISSIONS: 864-660-6009
BUSINESS OFFICE: 864-834-6977
MEDICAL RECORDS: 864-834-5257

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